Trouble free wifi since October 2018
Steve had been struggling with wireless repeaters that link back to their telstra modem.
A recent upgrade to NBN had made no measurable improvement to the guest wifi experience so a decision was made to look at a more robust solution.
3 x dual band ceiling mounted wireless access points were evenly spaced through the complex.
The devices are configured with 2.4 and 5Ghz frequency and band steering enabled.
Connectivity is excellent with most client connecting well over the max 100mbit Telstra Business NBN connection.
The devices blend in nicely with the surroundings and are easy to diagnose due to subtle led indicator light.
The power over ethernet switch is conveniently located in reception for easy troubleshooting and diagnostics.
No crawling around in roof cavity’s or up ladders.
Thanks Steve & Janet and we wish you all the best.